My craving for mangoes actually inspired this write-up on seasons, but even after satisfying my desire, I still felt slightly unfulfilled🙄.
Last week, I had visited the market, really eager to indulge in the juicy flesh of fresh mangoes this season. You can start imagining it now and after buying some and eating, It didn’t meet my expectations. I don’t know if that has ever happened to you with any fruit.
Anyways, something happened while i rinsed them, I received a profound inspiration from the Holy Spirit.
It struck me how our creative God has orchestrated the changing seasons, each bringing its unique fruits.
I marvel at the cycle of seasons from corn to mangoes and even agbalumo (African Cherry) that we had some months ago and there are still many more fruits to come and the funny thing is we don’t get tired of it, instead we anticipate it.
For those with fruit trees in their homes, you know that the wait can be long but it starts when you see the flower buds then the little fruits start growing, then you have to wait until they become ripe enough and of course, they don’t get ripe all at once. You monitor the one that’s showing signs of being ripe and once it’s ready you’re there to pluck it and that’s if you’re lucky enough to do that before the birds take their share but then the entire process is beautiful and the reward/harvest is worth it.
What am I driving at?
God takes us through various seasons, each with a beginning and an end. Though they may seem challenging, every season holds its beauty, maximize it and with patience, hope and trust you’ll understand its purpose.
This is a reminder to embrace the season you’re in right now. Grow, develop stamina and strength, trusting that it will pass, and a new one will begin.
“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” James 1:2-4 NLT
P.s: This is also a reminder to send me mangoes 🥹🥹🤭🤭
Our God is a God of times and seasons.Nice write up. Come and collect your Mangoes 😉😁😅
Yes He is. Thank you so much…Oya send them , I can’t wait.
Great piece.
Thank you so much