Are dreams always my imaginations?
Or they just come spontaneously?
Most nights I can’t wait to dream.
It feels like I’m in another world
Sometimes perfect
Sometimes not perfect
It’s like an escape for me
But then I get interrupted
Because reality sets in
Then I have to continue in the real world.
I eventually leave fantasy world alone
Where my dreams seem to come true.
But those dreams are sometimes
What I imagine.
Of course God tells me
And shows me what He will do
He warns me ahead
Like a road map for me.
Are my imaginations my desire?
Are my desires what God actually wants for me?
I live in two worlds
The real world and my blissful world
I’m so lucky, very lucky
I’ve got the best of both worlds
In the blissful world I have,
A lot of good memories I savour
And would love to have them in real life,
If God so permits.
But if it’s just a mere imagination
Let it be then.
Only God’s plan for me shall stand
Because at the end His ways are not my ways
Neither His thoughts my thoughts.
He has good thoughts for me and not of evil
And no matter how much I imagine and dream about them,
He is able to do exceedingly above all I can think or imagine in my wildest dreams.
Estée ✨