Welcome to the November edition of the Singles’ World. In the last edition, I discussed genotype incompatibility as another foundational issue that has disrupted many marriages and made many homes miserable in life. I also discussed the position of the Faith-Based School of Thought that believes that genotype incompatibility is not important in marriage because reliance on God’s guidance is superior to scientific guidance. In addition, I discussed the position of the Scientific or Pragmatic School of Thought that emphasises genotype compatibility to avoid marital calamity.
In this edition, I want to give you the second part of my discourse on genotype compatibility. This is to further deepen our knowledge of genotype compatibility in marriage. It is true we do not have direct Biblical references to support the need for genotype compatibility in marriage, and the Bible does not explicitly mention genotype compatibility as one of the principles to deploy to have harmony in marriage. However, there are Biblical references to show that God has set some boundaries for Christian marriage which can also be applied to genotype compatibility. The purpose is to guide our marriages against what could have been avoided. Obedience is better than sacrifice. I will now address the other compatibilities in the Bible to show the need for genotype compatibility.
Salvation or Faith Compatibility:
The Bible talks explicitly about the need for Christians not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers, especially in a marriage relationship according to 2 Cor. 6:14-16. In other words, a Christian is incompatible with an unbeliever in a marriage relationship. 1 Cor. 7:39 says “A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord.” This scripture emphasises the importance of compatibility within the bounds of faith. While many sound ministers of God preach and support this theology, some do not emphasise it. Even some youths today do not really bother about faith compatibility when considering their marriage plans just as some do not bother about genotype compatibility which is fundamental to the joy and fulfilment of marriages.
Blood Group Transfusion Compatibility
In the medical sciences, the place of blood group compatibility cannot be easily over-emphasised. The blood group system has been categorised into: A, B, AB, and O. According to the rules,
A can receive from A and O
B can receive from B and O
AB can receive from AB, A, B, and O
O can receive from O (universal donor)
A and B are incompatible
A and AB are incompatible
B and AB are incompatible
O and A or B are incompatible