‘Fatigue’ according to the Oxford learners dictionary is a feeling of being extremely tired, usually because of hard work or exercise.
According to the Oxford learners dictionary means very tired, especially after you have been working hard or doing something for a long time.
These were my top two emotions all through my Housejob(internship) but today those words are locked away for a long long time ( please don’t bother mentioning Nysc and its own issues).
Dear God,
I am thoughtful and thankful. 🙏🏽
Words can’t express how I feel. I wish I could remove a part of my hair the way Dumbledore does so you can relive the memory of this joy. It’s literally palpable 😂
How did I do it?
I ask myself this question multiple times.
I actually did it with the help of God, family, friends and you (yes you reading this). Thank you for all the support, for reading my Housejob chronicles for the past one year.
You gave me a sense of responsibility and audience and I could hear you all cheering me on saying ‘Go Esther! Go Esther’ and I put in all I had and I did it. You all know I had a very roller-coaster kind of HJ experience.
I also wanted the forthcoming houseofficers to have a documented experience of how housejob is. ( if you have specific topics/experiences you would want me to talk about let me know in the comment section 👇🏽)
My Struggles
Balancing my walk with God and medicine.
I’ve been shying away from writing this because it’s something I actually wasn’t happy with.
It’s a subject many of my colleagues have discussed randomly and it’s a struggle and I don’t know if I should say I felt better when I got to understand that I wasn’t the only one struggling. I had to learn to see my life and career path with a different perspective.
I might not have the luxury of time but my life and what I do is a ministry.
I should radiate God’s light in what I do. I was placed in the right time and space for someone who needs God. Whenever I had time to spare I would pray and the most important thing was to live a Christ-like life.
I also had to redefine how I felt my spiritual growth was meant to be. I made sure I made God my priority. I was always connected to him and when he gives me an instruction, I make sure I obeyed.
Church programs became online ones. Thank God for earpods,mask,wigs or braids. I could disguise 😂. They were so helpful. I had this community of friends that we had bible study together. I didn’t achieve this once. It took time and commitment.
Don’t just prioritise your schedule; schedule your priorities. Set aside a regular time to read the Bible and pray, schedule it as a top priority.
Medicine is an extremely jealous wife /husband 😂 but I tried and I will continue to put God first because without God I am nothing.
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” Matthew 6:33
Lord, in those difficult times when I seem to be in the refiner’s fire, help me to put my faith and trust in you and to ‘come forth as gold’. Help me every day to live a life of trust and confidence in you in Jesus name. (From BIOY with Nicky Gumbel)
I also had a hard time keeping up with friendships. I could barely text and call but I guess this is part of adulthood 😂. To everyone who checked up on me, I’m very grateful.
Gold was refined and tested by heating it and skimming off the dross over and over again until the reflection of the goldsmith could be seen in it.
Through different career paths and experiences in our lives, I see that strength grows through struggles, courage develops in challenges and wisdom matures from wounds and through it all, the goal is to emerge as pure gold.
For the medics reading, Personally, HJ made me know where and what I won’t specialise in and where I would. So for some people you might not even know what you want to do yet but you know what you don’t want to do. At least, that’s a starting point. 😉
“Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you”
-Luke 14:28-29(NIV)
Sit down and think how you want your future to be. Count your cost and find your passion. That thing you wake up to each day and you’re happy to do no matter how fatigued you are. Don’t follow the crowd and don’t feel bad if you don’t like clinicals or you love clinicals and it’s like everyone is looking at you as a weirdo. There are different paths in life and there’s nothing as being fulfilled in what you do, if not you will be frustrated and frustrate people around you.
I’ve seen people who are passionate with what they they do and I have seen those who are not . There’s a very wide gap.
When work is a pleasure, life is a joy. When work is duty, life is slavery.
In conclusion, for the last time on my Housejob chronicles, it was sweet, fun-filled and crazy in the beginning but I explored and made memories. It became extremely rough in the middle and I wanted to run away but I had a soft landing at the end.
‘The end of a matter is better than its beginning…’
Ecclesiastes 7:8 NIV
I’m on to the next phase.
Thanks for walking with me. It means a whole lot 😘
Estée ✨💜
Your Medical Officer. 😂
The end of a matter is better than its beginning…’
Ecclesiastes 7:8 NIV
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Congratulations sis. You came through the phases…see you at the top always..
Thank you so much
Estée 💜✨
Go Estee, go Estee, go!
I’m super proud of you, baby girl! At least one of us earned that Dr for both of us🤭. Many times we can’t imagine how far we’ve come or how we’ve stretched until we look back on our journeys and recognize the growth.
Awwww… Thanks sis!
Estée 💜✨
Glory to God for the successful tour in your profession. Your experiences are tough but encouraging. Thank God you never give. I see as an envoy of His presence. God be with you dear, you’re loved.
Thanks a lot
Estée 💜✨