84 days, 42 I won’t forget.
Hello everyone welcome to my YouTube channel… Hahahaha.. Let’s take it again
Hello everyone, welcome to another edition of HJ chronicles
Phew.. The HJ motto should be Survival continua.
I’ve been looking for the best way to write my experience in the past 84 days but there’s no other way than to write it as it comes.
Let me put this out quick, as an Houseofficer(Intern doctor) especially in the part of the world that I am at apart from being a doctor full time I have additional roles. A secretary with a computer brain, hands as fast as flash, a health attendant, blood hunter, result chaser, nurse, sample collector, PA, patient’s relative, magician, errand girl etc
It doesn’t seem possible right 😂
The first 42 days I spent were stressful but not killing, I had days where I wasn’t on call and less busy to rest and breathe. I enjoyed them in retrospect but the 42 days after are days I won’t forget. Even if my brain wants to forget but I guess this post will remind me 😂
If there’s any word to describe overstretched, Please use it.
My partner and I were on call everyday except 2 or 3 days where I was ‘free ‘. It was like doing vigil for 24 hours everyday. Even when there was less work, you won’t sleep well knowing you can get a call at any time.
I tried to journal how I felt each day to get a real experience but ‘kò werk’ I had no time to do that, I’d rather sleep for every little time I get than to eat because the moment I take a spoon, that’s when I would be called to get some things done and I would have lost the chance to sleep.
Coping strategy
I took Rabeprazole for the times I had dyspepsia because of stress and not eating well and I’d still try or smile and act normal because no one cared. I just had to make sure the job was done. It was worse for me because I had no days off (no call free day).
I slept whenever I had the chance to, sometimes I switched off my phone just for a bit, I called for help from colleagues. Shout out to Uche for always helping me out. My co house officer and I tried to work things out, Whoever was stronger that day would help out. We’d rant and still do the work. Also, Shout out to Treasure and Gift, you both are the definition of your names.
I also developed good relationships with the nurses, they were very helpful ❤️
I tried to look good at least even if my face was telling a different story, my outfit would still be good.
I pulled through each day looking towards the end (Aug 9), doing what I was told to do the very best way I could.
The reward for work is more work(sad right)😩
Well, I couldn’t take it any more. I was getting depressed to be honest and I think when it was the 14th day, I broke down and cried facing the heavens so that God will see me well. I know I sound dramatic but I had been strong all along and at that point, I could not anymore. My ‘strong meter ‘crashed and needed to be recalibrated. That night, I called Ayo and without any greetings or formalities, she asked what happened, She knew I had broken down. The tears started flowing and I spoke amidst it. she reassured me and encouraged me. I took some time to put myself together but eventually got back to work.
I actually wished I fell ill at a point then I would have gotten a sick leave. That’s how bad it was.
It was Day 25 out of 42 and I was told to quickly go out and get a suture for a young girl we were to pass chest tube for. I had gotten it and was running out of the theatre since I was told to be fast when I almost tripped. I gained my balance and but then imagined all that would have played out if I fell and broke my teeth. I would be the one to bear everything and the work will go on. That’s when I knew I needed to care for myself too. God spoke to me there.
I had also been having this constant foot pain that got worse over time. I took a sick leave when I couldn’t bear it anymore.. I tried to cope but how will the pain stop when I was always walking up and down nothing less than 14 thousand steps a day. 😂 I took a break because I needed it and I don’t regret it.
High points
The moment it was Aug 9 and I was done with the whole posting💃💃
When I did some procedures and when patients tell me Well-done and pray for me from their heart at least they see me. It warms my heart💜.
The friendships and relationships I have with patients. I get to hear their stories and we just talk. I don’t regret giving out my time for that. The care I give to them and how it brings smiles to their face it erases all the stress and I feel fulfilled.
Low points
Most days in the last 42 days I spent😂. I was constantly tired. There was a day I got to my room and water had leaked into my room and soaked my books. I couldn’t even react. I got back to clean and few minutes I was called to rush down to A and E. 😅
Lessons learnt.
1. Always ask God for help
2. Do what you can and always ask for help from your colleagues
3. Learn how to survive. Take care of yourself too.
The normal saying here is don’t worry you are gaining experience but to be honest, Stress isn’t equal to experience.
I’m grateful to God, family and friends. it’s been a whole new experience for me but I’m striving and the people here have been amazing, it’s what makes it the entire experience beautiful and enjoyable.
But it’s not over yet🥺. I hope I’m not on call everyday in my next posting. Pray for me😭🙏🏽
Till the next edition of HJ chronicles,
Yours on strike presently,
Estée ✨ 💜
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😂 😂 I can imagine