Welcome back to the April edition of the single’s world. I trust this issue will be very enlightening and stimulating for you. In the last edition, I shared with you another critical ingredient that a woman who intends to marry a man of God must have to make her relationship and marriage very glorious and that was hospitality. That attribute is simply unique and irreplaceable like all other attributes. In this edition, I will share with you another very important attribute.
Understanding: Every woman who is desirous to marry a man of God must have a proper understanding of what it means to marry and live with a man of God. Every woman needs understanding to live with her husband, but a woman who wants to marry a man of God needs to understand the total make-up of a man of God. The understanding she needs will be deeper and more profound than the understanding that a woman who marries a non-man of God will need.
Benny Hinny said in one of his messages that the man of God is the most difficult to understand. This is because a man of God, even though he is a human being, carries the anointing of God. When a man of God is under the anointing, his behaviour at such times must be understood. There are moments that he does not feel like talking to anybody. He simply just wants to keep to himself for a while. Sometimes, he is under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost and as such the word of the Lord may be burning in him like fire like Prophet Jeremiah.
A man of God may suddenly be restrained from continuing in an on-going discussion without being given any explanation. The wife must understand that such time will arise in the home and the man will need her understanding. When the man of God spends some days or weeks in prayers and fasting, he cannot be in the convivial or jocular mood for jesting with the wife and children. There will be times for such but definitely the man of God will need a lot of time when he will need to be alone in God’s presence.
The wife needs a good understanding to live with such a man. You remember in Ex. 34:29-30 when Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tables of testimony, his face shone that Aaron and all the children of Israel were afraid to come near because he was carrying the power and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. If he entered his home with such an awesome presence of the power of God, who would have been able to behold his face? Not even his wife?
While, the man of God will still perform his family responsibilities, he needs an understanding, a considerate and a thoughtful wife that can cope with the man of God’s peculiar lifestyle which can sometimes be erratic and unpredictable. An emotional, over sensitive and garrulous woman may not be fit for a man of God as wife. All of these must be considered adequately.
Sexual Life: It is also important that a woman who is frigid and sexually inactive may not be fit as a good wife not to talk of being the wife of a man of God. The man of God is daily exposed to sexual temptations from the opposite sex because of the nature of his assignment as a pastor, counsellor and minister. If the man of God is starved sexually by his wife because of her frigidity, it will further endanger the man of God’s life. The point here, therefore, is that the woman must be there sexually for the man of God when necessary all things being equal.
On the other hand, a woman that is over active sexually may also not be suitable for a man of God as wife except both the woman and the man of God are over active sexually which may not be in most cases. A man of God who is sexually over active lacks self-control and may not be a good material for ministerial responsibilities. When a woman is sexually active or over active, the man of God may not be able to meet her sexual needs which may cause family problems. This is because the responsibilities of the man of God require him to spend more time in prayers and fasting. At such times, both the husband and the wife must keep off from sex according to I Cor. 7:5 although the man of God must not use the privilege of his calling to starve his wife sexually.
These issues are important for the woman to note before deciding who to marry. The Lord will help you as you act appropriately. See you next month by the grace of God.
Jide Ajidahun.