You are welcome to the May edition of our Singles World for 2022. In this edition, I will be discussing the eleventh characteristic of those you should not marry. May the Lord guide and help you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Don’t Marry An Impotent Man.
Sex was created by God for the benefit of the husband and his wife. Every individual is endowed with this sexual ability to perform his or her roles adequately in a marriage relationship. To those whom marriage is given, sex is given to them as one of the benefits of marriage, without which there will be no joy, progress, procreation or fulfilment in the home. However, not everybody can perform this sexual function in the home. Some natural eunuchs are not endowed with sexual abilities. Such sterile men are not qualified for marriage. In Matthew 19:12, Jesus said, “there are some eunuchs, which were born from their mother’s womb.” They are naturally sexually impotent. Some men are made impotent through demonic attacks. Some men also acquire impotence through promiscuous living.
You cannot marry an impotent man and expect the relationship to be fruitful and be blessed with children. If your fiancé is impotent, you should quit the relationship because it will end disastrously. Impotent men know themselves although they don’t want to be publicly recognised because of the shame and the stigma attached to it. Culturally, such men are devalued and ridiculed. In the past, such impotent men were used as guides for the king’s wives in the palace. Even if the king was not around, the wives were secured because the men amounted to nothing. There are many men in our world today who are impotent; they are sexually dead and unable to copulate. Some of them still want to get married. What for?
Sex is one of the pillars that hold marriage. Its absence will cause the marriage to crash. Some of the symptoms of men with erectile dysfunction include the following:
Lack of erection at all.
Weak erection or inability to maintain an erection.
Lack of sexual arousal.
Lack of libido.
Low sex drive.
Lack of interest in sex talks although some guys can pretend so that you will not suspect them.
Azoospermia: (No sperm count).
When an impotent man proposes marriage to you, it is quite difficult to know whether he is impotent or not because he will not disclose this to you. In case, the man tells you that he is impotent, you should say goodbye to him. Don’t let any strange love start developing in your heart for him. If you pity him and marry him with his impotence, nobody will pity you when you begin to burn and cry every day in your house. Don’t marry him by faith. Of course, some guys may want to chase you away to ‘test’ your love by telling you that they are impotent when they are not.
Now, how will you know that your fiancé is impotent sexually without going to bed with him? Fornication is not the right way to detect an impotent man. So, don’t ever try that way.
First, you can pray sincerely and ask God to reveal the man to you? If indeed he is impotent, the Lord can show him to you.
Second, you can discuss with him his sexual, medical and psychosocial history although he may not tell you the whole truth.
Third, let him see a medical doctor for erectile dysfunction diagnosis which may include psychological and neurologic tests among others. These tests will show clinically the medical condition of your fiancé. This is more reliable than asking him directly.
Fourth, if you are very sensitive too, some of his friends may tell you jokingly or indirectly. Again, watch it; some of his friends who want to marry you can defame him by telling you that he is an impotent man in order to snatch you away from him.
Marrying an impotent man will surely be a big embarrassment to both of you. Apart from the delay in having children, you will be burning sexually at home and you may be tempted to try it elsewhere which is forbidden by God. Besides, you will not be able to tell people the reason behind your delay in childbearing. For the man, it is a secret that must be kept. But for how long? You surely cannot bear that. Some couples have remained childless till old age. Couples who could not bear for long have parted. When the ‘man’ in a man is not working, such a man is empty. He cannot talk where men are because he is not a man. That is one of the major things that women are looking for in marriage. It is an open secret.
If you are impotent or you have erectile dysfunction, see your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. Don’t get married with this disability, and don’t get engaged to any sister without disclosing your health condition to her. Generally, whether you are impotent or not, if you are in any relationship, both of you should undergo all the required medical tests including the erectile dysfunction diagnosis prescribed by an experienced medical doctor in an accredited medical laboratory. This is to guide both of you and prevent you from entering into ceaseless marital problems that are avoidable.
By the grace of God, we will continue from here next month. Please, don’t forget to send me your comments and testimonies. In case, you are not born again, please, surrender your life to Jesus Christ today. Till then, stay safe and God bless you. Amen.
Pastor Jide Ajidahun
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