This piece is for the shy, the timid and the people who are afraid of doing what they really want. do not let other people dictate what you can or cannot do with your life. please enjoy this piece and wait for the note at the end!
“God gave us the gift of life, it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well”- Voltaire
When I was little, I was always what you could call the scaredy-cat and my brother would use it against me at every given opportunity. I was afraid of every little thing that happened or every little thing I watched or heard and trust me, my imagination didn’t help matters.
The only thing I wanted to do was stay close to home and not do anything that could cause fear. I was always afraid of doing new things and I was too scared to “live”.
It all changed when I grew older, I realized the type of bondage I had put myself. Fear is bondage and it does a very good job in reducing your life span without even you knowing.
When you are always scared to go to new places or scared to do new things or scared to meet new people, you are just dying slowly inside. Many at times, we think these things are trivial so we just overlook it. We prefer to sit and relax in our comfort zone because we think it will hurt if we leave it. And the funny thing is that we think that’s what’s keeping us alive. You might be right. You are alive but you are not living.
It is a beautiful thing to be alive, a lot of people die every day and that’s the gift God has given you; life. So what are you going to do with this gift, just let it waste away until you die and have people say “he lived an ordinary life, nothing really special about him”. No one would want that. Deep inside, we all want to leave a GREAT legacy behind.
One of the things I always wanted to do and will still do is to travel round the world, To experience the beauty of life and just be carefree and have this personal relationship with the wonders of nature. I just want to go to a peaceful and serene environment that will just put me in a positive mood to do well. We often forget that even with all the evil and negativity in the world, there are still the little beautiful things we overlook. There is so much beauty in the world in so many ways but we hardly see it. We are too blinded by our fear and bitterness. I prefer to live 30 years of full adventure and know that I have seen the work of God than to live 60 years just sitting in a useless comfort zone. The comfort zone only applies in certain situations. Live a little, come outside the timidity and fear and shyness. Do the things that bring out the true best in you. Things you would remember in 10 years and won’t regret. You are free, so take that freedom and run with it.
NOTE: There is a surprise feature coming up and please don’t hesitate to send any short story or poem you will like to share. this is no place for criticism, just sharing and touching other people. remember to drop your comments and subscribe!