We are back with another spot in our segment and this one in particular is for creatives!
We have the pleasure of interviewing Oyindamola Adedipe, a visual designer, photographer, and videographer. A passion-driven creative. You can follow him on Instagram (@byOyindamola) or check out his portfolio at https://byoyindamola.myportfolio.com
One last thing, If you’re in London, please book him😊
- Can you tell me about yourself and your background? What do you do?
My name is Oyindamola Adedipe. I am 28 years old. I am a visual designer, photographer and videographer.
- How long have you been doing this and what drew your attention you to it?
I have always had the passion for creating things. When I was little I used to play around with instant art and Microsoft PowerPoint on my dad’s desktop computer. One of my earliest designs was a recreation of the MTN logo on PowerPoint. I discovered photography and videography much later. I enjoyed making videos and taking pictures of my friend at parties and eventually hobby became craft.
- What do you enjoy most about what you do now?
I just really enjoy the opportunity to create. Whether it is static media or motion media. As far as it excites the senses of sight and sound.
- Can you describe a challenge you’ve faced in your role now and how you overcame it?
Challenges are quite often a part of being a creative. From difference in opinions between clients and me to a lack of resources. The best thing to do is find a middle ground with your client that still caters to them. And improvise when you are short on resources. It brings out the genius in you.
- What motivated you to do this?
The passion keeps me motivated. I love doing it. And I love that I can get paid while doing it
- How do you stay updated and continue to grow?
Read and watch. Read what others are doing and watch how they’re doing it.
- Can you share a significant accomplishment or project you’ve worked on recently?
I think the achievement I’m most proud of recently is shooting a music video for Dwin, the Stoic. Asides from that also shooting scenes from his Christmas concert.
- What goals do you have in the near future?
Level up. I’ve been working hard at it. Trying to understand what I’m doing. The basic building block of creating and applying that to more complex things.
- How do you maintain work-life balance, and in what ways does your faith influence your motivation and vision?
I don’t have a great work life balance. I used to spend more time working than ‘lifing’. But in the past few months I started learning to disengage from work. To just find a way to relax.
I am a believer in the teachings of Jesus Christ and it propels me to find purpose in what I do. Whether it’s capturing people having fun or designing wedding cards. I just always want to capture those emotions. Asides from that my faith really makes my life simple. I believe in kindness and spreading love and that’s what I do.
- How has marriage or significant relationships impacted your personal and professional plans?
I can’t say that marriage or my significant relationship have impacted my plans. I have always left the door open when it comes to my plans. They’re very malleable and all I have to do is adjust.
- How do you see what you’re passionate about evolving in the coming years, and what steps are you taking ? Also what will you tell your younger self.
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Hey people!!!!!
Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!