I have this memory that replays in my head. That memory recently opened up to me in a way I had never seen before.
Years ago, I had followed my dad to the market but I can’t really remember what we went to buy . We were at the busy Ikare market ( A place in Ondo state), it had very narrow roads and we wanted to cross the road and as we were waiting for that free moment to cross ( No traffic lights), I remembered a story my dad had told me when I was younger. A memory in a memory. The main character of this story is my uncle. My dad and his siblings were born royalty so he grew up in the palace and of course had palace privileges and prince privileges. You can imagine.
On this particular day, my uncle was coming back from a gathering of some sort at night and was walking home, he got to this point and saw a tree which was weird because he could have sworn there was no tree at that spot beforehand. He wondered if it was a vision or if it was real, he observed it was a coconut tree and had a number of coconuts on it so to confirm it was real, he three stones at it and yes it was real. He was stunned but he left that scene as soon as he could. He rushed back home and went on as normal till his father, my grandfather sent for him on another day and scolded him for throwing stones at “some people” days ago and he was confused at first but he was warned that some women had reported him for throwing stones at them during their meeting and he had disturbed them but they were going to let it pass because of his prince privileges so he would get was a warning this time.
Let me say it again, they couldn’t and wouldn’t harm him because he was a prince and they were loyal to the king.
It then struck me at that moment. If the son of an earthly king had that privilege, how much more the son/daughter of “The heavenly king”.
I mean, God is the owner and creator of everything including that coconut tree and its members 😂
Luke 10:19 says that; “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”
Have you ever wondered the kind of authority you have been given and the type of authority you carry?
‘A royal priesthood, a chosen generation’ ‘Joint-heirs with Christ’ That at the mention of his name, Every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess. It’s not just about reading these words or even saying them. Do you understand it? Are you walking in that realization?
Know what you carry and walk in it.
As I write this to you, I’m filled with so much excitement because of what opened up to me at the point of remembering that story.
Imagine what we have been taking for granted for years.
Please take a moment today and just remind yourself of your identity in Christ, your place in God’s kingdom and your authority.
You are a king, a queen, an ambassador of his kingdom. You carry His presence everywhere and you have power over sin and even death. You are not bound by sin because Christ has overcome this world already. Don’t just stay at the gates of this kingdom, enter into it and enjoy all the privileges. Not some, ALL. But there is something important you must not forget. Every kingdom is governed by its own rules and that’s the same for the kingdom of God. You must obey the principles of his kingdom so that you may thrive in it.
This realization not only helps you to thrive, it also helps the people around you. They see your “new dispensation” and they want to be a part of it. Certain things will no longer affect you when you begin to walk in this light.
I hope you see it as I can. I hope you really feel what I’m feeling now and I hope you remember everyday that all you need has been given to you.
Nice write up.
You nailed it.
We are born by him.
A peculiar people.
So we reign with him.
Thank you mummy. Yes we are a peculiar people and we will reign with him.